Sunday, July 26, 2015

Celebrating Peruvian Independence

We're starting our last full week in Lima, and this week is Fiestas Patrias, the celebration of Peruvian independence. The official celebrations happen on July 28 (the day of independence) and the 29th. This year the 27th has also been declared a holiday. But we've already experienced a lot of fun related to the celebration. More after the jump.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Finding some Sun and Penguins in Paracas

Paracas is a small town on the coast of Peru about three and a half hours south of Lima. Often, during Lima's cloudy winter (surprisingly sunny so far this year), Paracas is sunny and slightly warmer. We made the trip down for a long weekend with the primary purpose of seeing some penguins, which can be seen on the Islas Ballestas, off the coast of Paracas. Mission accomplished.

Friday, July 3, 2015

A Getaway to Arequipa - One of My Favorite South American Cities

We took an opportunity to get away for a few days in Arequipa, a city in the south of Peru, while Jana's parents were in town. After a major issue with our flight plan, we absolutely loved Arequipa. It is now one of may favorite South American cities. The central square there is as good as any I have seen. And it is the most Spanish feeling place I've ever been outside of Spain. More details after the jump.