About the author

I'm Nate Kelly. My interest in travel is motivated by both professional and personal factors. I think my general love for travel is rooted in the many family trips that we took (mostly in the eastern US) when I was a kid. While I did not travel outside the US until after college, I've traveled outside the US more regularly since marrying a political scientist who studies Latin American politics. By planning for dozens of both long-term professional trips and short-term family vacations, I feel like I've learned a lot about putting together authentic, down to earth travel experiences. But I'm gaining more experience all the time. So, I decided to start cataloging and sharing what I learn on this blog. In my day job I'm a political science professor at the University of Tennessee. I conduct research on the causes and consequences of income inequality specifically, and more generally about whether and how public opinion, economic policy, and partisan politics are connected to one another. Most of my research is about the United States, but I'm increasingly interested in cross-national analysis that incorporates data from other countries.

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