Thursday, April 27, 2017

Flight to Lima: Dealing with Disruption

Our trip to Lima began on Tuesday afternoon. We loaded our stuff into the station wagon and our wonderful friend/surrogate family member Travetta was kind enough to ride with us to the airport and then drive our car back to be safely stowed away in Knoxville while we are away. The trip was uneventful enough to begin with. We had an on time departure and arrival to Dallas, a comfortable layover that allowed us to sit down and eat a decent meal with plenty of time to board our late night flight to Lima. Except that flight didn't go exactly as planned.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Back to Lima Again

We're headed back to Peru for most of summer of 2017. Looking back, I have not posted since we returned from Peru nearly two years ago. It's not that we haven't been traveling, it's just that nothing we have done would qualify as particularly "authentic." I'm hoping to have a good enough internet connection and enough spare minutes in Lima to provide regular updates on what we're doing in Peru without repeating myself too much from our last trip. We leave Tuesday afternoon and are now in the last throes of packing up the house so that the friends staying here while we are gone can move in after our departure. Once we get back from Peru, it's just a couple of weeks before we head to New York for a year in Manhattan at the Russell Sage Foundation. So, all the packing for over a hear away from Knoxville has to happen now. It's a stressful time, but we are excited about what the next year-plus has in store.