Saturday, June 24, 2017

A Fun Father's Day Weekend

Last weekend was Father's Day. Beyond one meal, we did not really do anything specifically to celebrate the holiday. But the meal we had was really remarkable. And the other things we did, which could have been any other weekend, added to the enjoyment. Here is a quick rundown.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Horse Show and Lunch at Dpaso Mamacona

Peru has a very strong equestrian tradition. Horses arrived to Peru during the Spanish conquest, and particular breeding practices gave rise to the Paso, or Peruvian Smooth-Gait Horse. The most distinctive feature of the horse is the way it walks. Peruvian breeders wanted horses that were comfortable to ride and easy to control So in their breeding decisions, they focused on maintaining horses with good temperament and a smooth gait. Therefore, on of the most distinctive characteristics of this horse is that it does not trot. It has a four-beat gait that is very smooth and comfortable. This weekend we went to a show featuring the Peruvian Paso, and it was great fun!