Monday, February 10, 2014

What's in the works

Before jumping into any trip details, I want to give a brief update on what travel plans I'm working on at the moment. I'll pick up from this point forward in discussing details, but it's useful to know where I'm at in the planning process right now.

We'll be spending this summer in Europe. Most of the time will be in Oviedo, Spain. We'll be living and working in Oviedo, working on various research projects and writing. While we don't really need to be in Spain for research purposes, we find it productive to live abroad where we face fewer daily responsibilities and have more new, exciting, and invigorating experiences. Making such a move generally helps us to be productive. But we also are trying to help our Little Lady be bilingual. Jana is fluent in Spanish and I am passable. We want to live in Spanish speaking countries as often as possible so that the Little Lady's language skills can thrive. We'll have her in a daycare there where she can be exposed to native speakers on a more regular basis. And we'll be living in an apartment in the heart of the city. I may say more about the relocation process at some point, but for now, it's just background.

Prior to arriving in Oviedo we will spend some time in Lisbon and the south of Spain. Most of the planning for that part of the trip is done.

In mid-July, Jana's parents will join us in Oviedo for the last few days we are there, and then we will travel with them to Barcelona, Alsace, and Paris. The accommodations in Barcelona are settled. Paris as well. I'm in process on Alsace right now, so the next few posts will probably be about that portion of the trip. And then there will be internal travel arrangements to come as well. Planning this part of the trip will be the focus for the next several weeks. And experiences from this trip will extend through the next several months.

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